Kleingeräte - Rasur

Amtier Rasierhobel Herren Set - inkl 5 Japan Klingen- Aftershave Blutstiller Alaunstein - Reiseetui für Rasierer Tragbare Leder-Rasierer-Schutzhülle 【CUSTOMIZE YOUR SHAVE 】 Easily adjust the blade exposure by turning the knob on the bottom of the razor - Customize your shave by selecting your exposure of choice. The lower the setting, the less the blade exposure and the milder the shave. Find the... Amtier Rasierhobel Herren Set - inkl 5 Japan Klingen- Aftershave Blutstiller Alaunstein - Reiseetui für Rasierer Tragbare Leder-Rasierer-Schutzhülle